I worked as a designer and community manager at Game Entertainment Europe. Their mission was to bring the popular South Korean MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) Martial Heroes to Europe.
- Focused on community management
- Gained insights into player behavior and preferences
- Emphasized creating meaningful player connections and experiences

The project
In retrospect, my time at Game Entertainment Europe was a rollercoaster ride across the MMORPG genre. This was not only about marketing a game, it was about creating experiences to take players away from their real-world problems, and transporting them to imaginary lands. This wasn't only pixels and polygons; it was people and the stories they'd share together.

One of the main challenges of this project was to gather input from our players. Back then, we had a lively forum but I wanted to get my hands dirty and jump into the game myself. But an MMORPG isn't like any other game. You can't just pick it and play, and hope to be accepted by other players. And the only way to get through this initial phase is to just play the game, fail, learn and enjoy the process.
This mindset resulted in weekly digital gatherings in the game where we'd chat with our players and gather their feedback.
Lessons learned
Fail fast. This is the way.